Delivery hours start at 7AM and we deliver 7 days a week. Earliest reservation time is 8 AM if you need an earlier start time please call the office to schedule. Latest scheduled pickup time is 7:00pm if needed later than that please schedule for FREE over night.
Rentals are for 6 hours - anything over 6 hours will charge an additional $45. Keep it for two days for an additional 50% more. If your event is more than 3 days out you can easily book online by clicking here .
Rentals are for 6 hours - anything over 6 hours will charge an additional $45. Keep it for two days for an additional 50% more. If your event is more than 3 days out you can easily book online by clicking here .

Delivery fees:
$5.00 if 5 miles or Less
$10 - $15 if more than 5 miles but less than 15
$25 if more than 15 miles but less than 20
$2 per mile if over 20 miles
Hillsborough County: Delivery fee $50 - $150 depending on distance from our warehouse
$5.00 if 5 miles or Less
$10 - $15 if more than 5 miles but less than 15
$25 if more than 15 miles but less than 20
$2 per mile if over 20 miles
Hillsborough County: Delivery fee $50 - $150 depending on distance from our warehouse
Delivery Area Pinellas
33702 |
33710 |
33732 |
33763 |
33782 |
33703 |
33711 |
33733 |
33764 |
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33729 |
33738 |
33759 |
33779 |
34698 |
33730 |
33740 |
33760 |
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33762 |
33781 |
Delivery Area Tampa
33601 |
33634 |
33662 |
33677 |
33686 |
33608 |
33635 |
33663 |
33679 |
33687 |
33622 |
33646 |
33664 |
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33650 |
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33630 |
33655 |
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33682 |
33694 |
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